Sunday, February 16, 2014

What If?

Deuteronomy is a type of recap of all the Israelites had experienced. It ends with the death of Moses and the people on the brink of entering the Promised Land after forty years of wandering in the desert.

Did Caleb and Joshua remember that moment forty years earlier when the people refused to listen to their plea to take the land?

What if the people had heeded Joshua and Caleb and trusted God forty years earlier?

Write about that “What if.” What if they had entered the Promised Land and not had to wander in the desert? What would it have been like? 

Unfortunately, the people didn’t heed Joshua and Caleb or trust God to do exactly what He had promised.

Compare this scenario with your writing career. Have you had moments when you have hesitated to trust your calling? More specifically, have you shrunk from submitting your work? Have you experienced a “wandering” in your writing?

Recommit to follow God’s call even if it’s scary. What if you accepted that God has a “promised land” just for you and your dreams? 

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