Sunday, February 18, 2018

Check Out this Book from Stacey Weeks

Stacey is a member of The Word Guild in Canada and has authored two fiction books, is waiting to hear back from her publisher on a romantic suspense submission, and is working on a fourth novel.

Stacey’s newest book released in November 2017.

Grace risked everything and found herself drowning in danger. 
Like a sunken treasure wedged in the lake floor, Grace Stone’s heart is submerged in the past. Her only hope in easing her guilt over her role in a tragic drowning is launching a Water-Survival program at Camp Moshe, but success depends on Grace risking everything on the man hired to rebrand the Christian camp. Kye Campton’s extreme sports campaign lands him in hot water with the cautious instructor. His usual confidence wavers when it becomes increasingly evident that the camp’s fight for survival is against more than a declining economy. Will Kye be able to save the camp—and Grace—from a saboteur determined to see the place close for good?

Watch the book trailer!

In Too Deep is available for purchase at Pelican Book GroupAmazon.caAmazon.comChapters-IndigoBarnes & Noble

Download and read the first two chapters FREE here!

I asked Stacey to describe herself in her own words:

I am from the play-until-the-streetlights-turn-on and come-when-your-father-whistles generation. I’m a cool-off-in-the-sprinkler, drink-straight-from-the-hose, and fish-off-the-pier kind of girl. I’m loyal even when others are not. I’ve wrestled with brothers, played Barbie with neighbors, and stayed up too late reading just one more chapter. I’m from BIG Sunday dinners, steaming hot tea, and Saturday morning coin-sized pancakes. I grew up with Tupperware, paper bag lunches, Yorkshire pudding, and mashed potatoes. Lots of mashed potatoes. My family is a finish-what-you-start, bargain shopping, home cooking, and respect-your-elders kind of family. I am one of four children framed in memories on a wall. I jumped off docks, endured eight-hour trips that took twelve, and sat in the middle bench seat of the family sedan. I am a wait until you enter the house before driving away kind of mom. I boil the kettle in a crisis, and I know that a job worth doing is worth doing right. I am a fixer of old things, painter of everything, cleansed and forgiven child of God. I believe that nothing matters more than the Lord Jesus Christ and who I believe He is.

What do you hope the readers takeaway from In Too Deep?

I want my readers to know that God is bigger than their circumstances. I want them to understand that even when life is unfair and we can’t make sense of it – God is always perfectly loving and leading us. His ways and thoughts are so much higher than ours that we cannot understand them, but we can trust Him. Most often, the truths that God is teaching me and the ways that He is stretching me also becomes the growth arch for my characters. When my character, Grace, was reading Proverbs searching for wisdom  - so was I. As she meditated on a beautiful passage in Job –so was I.

What inspired you to write In Too Deep?

I save newspaper articles with strange but true reports. One report on a daring water rescue inspired one scene from In Too Deep. I asked myself, “What sort of person does this?” “What person runs into danger instead of away?” What kind of love drives those actions?” I created Grace Stone and Kye Campton by answering questions like those.

Do you ever involve your readers in plotting?

Near the end of In Too Deep, I was frustrated because the characters unexpectedly led the story in a new direction. I was stuck. I posted some questions onto my Facebook author page inviting my followers to comment and problem solve with me. The solution came from a suggestion posted there. I invite my followers to make suggestions for every book. Often, the best ideas come from avid readers, and the most helpful tip earns one lucky commenter a signed copy of the book.

Can you direct us to where readers can find you?

Website: - I post weekly devotionals and regular home renovation projects and crafts under the blog tab. You’ll find links and information on all of my books.

Facebook: - This is where I post questions to readers and collect feedback for projects. It’s also where you’ll find the most up to date information.

Newsletter:  The newsletter is emailed once every spring, summer, fall, and winter and is full of information, deals, and opportunities available only to subscribers.

Twitter: @WriterSWeeks

Stacey, I can so relate to your experience of learning from scripture just as you show your characters learning from it. That happens to me in my books as well.

Thanks for telling us about yourself and this book. So, what do you say, readers? Is your interest piqued?

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