Monday, March 9, 2015

Qualities to Embody

Micah 6:8 says, “He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”

The prophet is relaying the qualities God would require of His children.

As a Christian writer we need look no further for what qualities might make up a Godly man or Godly hero. In Micah 3:8 there are three qualities that the Lord requires: act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with God.

Contemplate how you might have a character prove these qualities within a story.

 Act justly – Is there a wrong to be righted? Is someone being treated wrongly and needs defending?

Love mercy – Does someone need compassion? Is forgiveness the better road than pointing a finger?

Walk humbly – Will the hero deflect praise away from himself? Are there ways to act behind the scenes instead of making a scene and taking credit? Will the hero redirect praise to God?

Now, we don’t want a perfect hero because there is no such person. Therefore, your hero might have to struggle to obtain some of the above qualities.

Simply by answering the questions posed above, you could create a character as well as the premise for a whole story. Try answering the questions. Really consider how you would show these qualities in your character.

What about you? Are you following these qualities as a Christian writer? Ask these questions of yourself:

Do you act justly in your writing? Do you act justly with other writers?

Do you love mercy? Do you show mercy through your writing as well as to other writers and readers?

Do you walk humbly with God? Do you try to take all of the credit for your success? Do you flaunt your success in from of other writers? Do you thank the true Author? 

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